Thursday, April 23, 2020

History Paper Topics on Joseph Stalin

History Paper Topics on Joseph StalinThe school history paper topics on Joseph Stalin are a given when considering the history of Communism. Stalin's reign of terror is well documented and widely discussed by historians. It is also a fact that Stalin made the lives of his subjects a living hell. If you cannot properly consider these facts, you are missing out on one of the most important parts of our history.Stalin was able to execute hundreds of thousands of his people and it did not seem to bother him one bit. This is because he believed that his actions were for the greater good of the state. We often see that the dead are not really dead and we understand that they are not really dead because we know that Stalin had them shot in the head.Stalin and other Communist leaders believe that the world would be a better place if their class ruled everyone else. The phrase 'One people, one leader' is actually something that Stalin said at a meeting. A lot of Stalin's fellow members of the Politburo did not agree with this. But it never came up in public.Stalin looked down on those who disagreed with him and once he decided to execute a leader he executed them in front of other Communists. In fact, this attitude was the reason why thousands of political prisoners died during Stalin's reign.Stalin forced the children of leading Communists to work in mines. Many died from exposure and malnutrition. This is the reason why Communist leaders have refused to release their human rights records until now.During Stalin's rule, many intellectuals were exiled or killed. By the time of Stalin's death, the country had fallen to Communism. What is even sadder is that many Western historians accept the Soviet Union as the sole leader of the world.There is a very good chance that the lives of some of the millions of people who perished under Stalin were not really that bad. Stalin did indeed do awful things, but he did so in the name of Communism. So if you want to add another fasci nating piece to your history book, remember that Communism is not always bad.Just because Stalin killed people, does not mean that Communism is a bad idea. History has shown that many cultures have implemented Communism in some form or another and it has served them very well. It just takes a little bit of research to find the information you need.

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