Wednesday, May 6, 2020

John Miltons Epic Poem, Lost Paradise Essays - 601 Words

John Milton created an epic poem unlike any other. He created the poem while going blind, and recited it in its entirety, after he went completely blind, for his daughters to record. Paradise Lost is arguably the greatest epic poem ever written, though not the most well-known. It is so great because it is so modern. Other epics, such as The Iliad or The Odyssey written by Homer are poems of the past. They incorporate a religion that is no longer followed, and are something of science fiction today. Milton’s Paradise Lost is based on Christian Theology, and contains, what many believe, a hero that should not be considered a hero at all. Milton places Satan as the epic hero in his epic poem. Satan is the main character, and the reader†¦show more content†¦Satan possesses many of the qualities of traditional epic heroes in Paradise Lost, such as determination, an ability to recover from tragedy, and the epic journey he takes. Satan is a very determined being. After being cast from Heaven, he is determined to rise to glory once again. In book one, he is determined to rule in Hell, and phrases it this way, â€Å"Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav’n.† (Book 1, line 263) Book one describes how Satan and his legions lie on a burning lake for nine days after their defeat. After they start to awaken, however, they recover and regroup quickly. Satan shakes off his defeat as a plan, that he had allowed God to win, and that he had total control over the situation. Careful Satan, your ego is showing. The end of Book one tells of a journey Satan sets out on, to Earth to investigate the new world and beings God has created. This journey qualifies Satan as being an epic hero, though some may not like to call him that. Some characteristics Satan has in lines 242 through 270 of Book one of Paradise Lost make him unlike any other epic hero created before. Satan has a deep hatred, a horridness, that runs through him. It gives him very evil, sadistic qualities. The first appearance he makes, he is depicted as some sort of creature form, almost like a massive bird of prey. His speech and mindset are all rather intelligent, though. Most heroes areShow MoreRelatedJohn Miltons Epic Poem, Paradise Lost1827 Words   |  7 PagesSatan the Epic Hero In John Miltons epic poem, , he recreates the Genesis story of the fall of man, as it was caused by Satan. It is Satans fatal flaws of pride and ambition that led him to battle with Heaven, and even though he was defeated, he would not give up his battle against God. Ultimately, he did accomplish both the instilling of sin into man and the promise of doing evil against both God and man for an eternity. On the other hand, throughout the epic poem, we also observe Satan struggleRead MoreJohn Miltons Epic Poem about Satan, Paradise Lost632 Words   |  2 PagesJohn milton is one of the most influential men in english writing today because of his outstanding work. 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